Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Let's try this again. The last time I tried to run a blog carnival I didn't get enough submissions to make a decent showing. It is my hope that somehow we can run a monthly catalog that will highlight the work of women of color and allies. We all face some very important issues and unless we start discussing what is dividing us we can never make any advancements.
It is my hope to run this carnival once a month. Please submit any posts that you have written that intersect with race that involve class, gender, sexuality, ability etc, It is time that we tackle the isms and bring them crashing down. The first carnival will run Feb 15 and from thereafter every 15th. Please click here to submit your articles.


Ann Freeman said...

Hi, Saw your post on Twitter. I follow your blog. Check out my (newly created) blog, which has a lot of posts from the ally perspective. See if you think this is the type of content you are interested in including. Ann

sally said...

I was hoping you'd start this up again! If I can find the time to write a significant post some time soon, I will definitely be sending the link your way!!

Anonymous said...

loving the layout! will figure out what to submit :)

whatsername said...

Ohhhh shiny new layout! I almost used that one myself for my blog!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, your layout is broken. :(

Go Go Jo Jo said...

Well I'm interested. I'll have to figure out what to submit...I think I should have something that would work with some polishing but I am also thinking of writing something new. Great idea!

Monica Roberts said...

You know I'm looking forward to it

little light said...

I'm so glad you're doing this, Renee. I'd love to submit something--I'll start looking to see if I've got anything decent/relevant to send you for the next one!

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